ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for October 10, 2019. Taken by LC Chen.
Officers Present: Sarah Crucilla, Varun Shanker, Rachel Sun, Irene Chang, Arushi Gupta, Yuying Lin, LC Chen
Guests: Yuelin Shi
Call to Order: 8:04 PM
President’s Report (Varun):
- Meeting with Joe Shepherd
- A new notification system for students
Officer’s Reports:
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Arushi):
- Club fair generated interest
- Ph2 Lecture and Recitation Recordings
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sarah):
- Free desserts were received well by prefrosh
- New Bechtel Rotation opt-out system
- Social Service initiative with houses as pairs leading events
- Leadership prize for staff members
Director of Operations (Rachel):
- Extra money for organizations
- Soundproofing SAC Rooms
- Communicating with Housing about storage
- ASCIT Storage closet and club room cleanup
- Club funding pitches on 10/13/2019
Treasurer (Yuying):
- Money from endowment in March
- Budget coming out soon
Social Director (Irene):
- Creating Social Events Calendar
- Formal Survey coming together
- Midnight Pizza and Techfest went well
- End of Fall activities brainstorming
Secretary (LC):
- Working on ASCIT survey
- Contact List for resources on campus
- Pitch for Mid-Autumn Festival from Caltech C
If anyone has any questions or concerns about a section of the minutes please email the appropriate officer. We are happy to answer any questions.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:20 PM