This is a bit different than the 1957 list. Suggested by Chris Gonzales, this groups various offices and positions by 'point baskets' and allocates pools of assignable points to various Houses and campus groups.
Allocatable points would need to be signed off by either a faculty or staff adviser, a House president, or the ASCIT President, depending on the activity. Comments would be welcomed by the Points Committee in interpreting people's contributions.
Point Baskets
- 100 Points/Key
- ASCIT President
- IHC Chair
- 75 Points
- ASCIT VP/Honor Chair
- House President
- 50 Points
- ARC Chair
- Big T Editor/Co-Editors
- BoC Chair
- BoC Secretary
- CRC Chair
- IHC Secretary
- California Tech Editor/Co-Editors
- 35 Points
- BoC Member
- BoD Member
- CRC Member
- 25 Points
- ARC Secretary
- Big T Business Manager
- California Tech Business Manager
- SFC Committee Chair
- 15 Points
- Freshman Admissions Committee Member
- Health Advocate
- IHC Athletics Manager
- Senior Class Co-President
- Trained UCC
- 10 Points
- Admissions Tour Guide
- ASCIT Excomm Chair
- Donut Devteam Member
- Food Chair
- Junior Class Mudeo Organizer
- Social Excomm Member
- Sports Team Captain
- 1-5 Points
- ARC Member
- ASCIT Excomm Member
- Election Chair
- Election Committee Member
Student Government
The BoD is given 100 additional points to assign to non-BoD members, with a limit of 15 points per person.
- The Tech is given 20 points per staff member (not including Editor/Co-Editors) to assign, separate from the points assigned to the editor/co-editors and the business manager, with a cap of 50 points per person.
- The little t is given 50 points to assign.
- The Big T is given 150 points to assign, separate from the points assigned to the editor/co-editors, with a cap of 50 points per person.
- The CURJ is given 100 points to assign, with a cap of 50 points per person.
- The Totem is given 100 points to assign, with a cap of 50 points per person.
Clubs and Organizations
Each ASCIT-recognized club is given 10 points to assign, unless specifically noted below.
- The Caltech Y is given 150 points to assign, with a cap of 30 points per person. We encourage recognition of Decompression and MAD Day participation, as well as the contribution of Excomm members.
- The various Caltech a capella groups, bands, glee clubs, and chamber groups (music groups) are each given 10 points per contributor to assign.
- The various drama productions are each given 15 points per contributor to assign.
Each team is given 10 points per team member to assign, with a cap of 20 points per member. Special recognition is given by ASCIT to team captains and additional points can be requested for those with special achievements.
Student House Officers
Each House is given 250 points to assign, with a cap of 25 points per person. Special note is given to trained UCCs and Health Advocates by ASCIT.
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