Comments and Criticism
"I'd much rather see one person do a really good job at one position than have a bunch of positions that they don't have time to fully devote themselves. In addition, the amount of time a person spends at something can vary from year to year. Take sport teams captains as an example. I've seen captains who actively recruit new players and check in on their players to see how things are going, and I've also seen captains who nobody even realizes that they were the captain because they do so little. I could also imagine an ARC chair who is very active and is trying to start new projects, or I can imagine an ARC chair that just does the bare minimum. Thus rewarding people for doing a lot less well seems like a bad idea. I'd much rather reward somebody who does one thing very well."
--Andrea Dubin
"In terms of the point system, I'd advocate for a
system where students needed to provide service either over a period of
more than one year or in more than one capacity to receive a key. For
instance, I think that no one position should be enough points to get a
In terms of points, I guess I would say that there should be a fair
distribution between house, academic, and non-academic roles. One idea
might be to have a suggested distribution of points and then ask
students in their application if they think they should be awarded more
or less. One example may be students involved in one cultural club may
put in many hours and may do way more than a student in another club.
It could be that they see their service comparable to someone who is a
house president. Then they could justify more points if they wanted to."
-Candace Rypisi, SFP Office
Point List
ASCIT Student Government
- President: Key
- IHC Chair: Key
- Vice-President: 80-90 See how the Honor Chair position shapes up before deciding on point values?
- BoC Chair: 60-70
- BoC Member: 10-20 Rationale being the academic portions of the Honor Code take precedence
- CRC Chair: 50-60
- CRC Member: 10-15
- Secretary: 20-25
- Treasurer: 30-40
- ARC Chair: 40-50
- ARC Secretary: 10-15
- ARC Member: 5-10
- SFC Committee Chair: 20-25
- SFC Committee Member: 5-10
- Social Chair: 40-50
- Social Excomm Member: 5-10
- First Rep-at-Large: 10-15
- Second Rep-at-Large: 10-15
- ASCIT Excomm
- Chair: 5-10
- Member: 1
- Athletic Manager: 5-15
- Food Chair: 5-10
- Donut devteam member: 5-10
- Freshman Admissions committee member: 5-15
- Appointed Committee member: 3-5
- Election Committee Chair: 3-5
- Chairman points per election: 1
- Election Committee member: 1
Publications Don't see any reason to change most of these, though there are some new additions
- The Tech
- Editor-in-chief: 60-80
- Co-Editors (each): 50-70
- Section Editor: 20-35
- Photograph Editor: 20-35
- Circulation Manager: 15
- Staff Members: 1-20
- Business Manager: 30-40
- little t
- Co-Editors (each): 20-50
- Staff: 1-10
- Business Manager: 20-30
- Big T
- Editor-in-Chief: 60-70
- Assistant Editor: 5-30
- (If the need for an assistant editor arises, the office shall be filled by the appointment by the editor-in chief upon the approval of the Board of Directors.)
- Co-Editors (each): 40-55
- Department Editors: 5-25
- Photograph Editor: 20-50
- Circulation Manager: 5
- Staff Members: 1-25
- Business Manager: 30-50
- Totem
- Co-Editors (each): 20-30
- Co-Editors (each): 20-30
- Anything else that students publish?
Clubs and Organizations
- Caltech Y
- President: 30
- Treasurer: 10-20
- All other officers: 1-15
- MAD Day Group Organizer: 15-20
- MAD Day Participant: 5-10
- RISE Tutor: 10-15
- Glee Club
- President: 5
- Managers (each): 2
- Member: 0-10
- Chamber Singers/Groups
- President: 5
- Managers (each): 2
- Member: 0-10
- Band
- President: 5
- Managers (each): 2
- Member: 0-10
- Student Director (3-act play): 30
- Major contributor: 20 per 3-act play
- Minor contributor: 10 per 3-act play
- Producer: 30
- Director: 10
- Techie: 10
- Performer: 5-7
- Tour Guides: 5-15
- Dean's Office Tutor: 10
- SURFSAC Member: 0-10
- ISP Orientation Adviser: 5-10
- Special Events (e.g. Dance of the Roses Ballroom Dancesport Competition, Dance Show, Shakespeare Readathon, Chinese New Year Celebration)
- Major organizer: 30
- Minor organizer: 10-15
- Contributor/participant: 10
- Other general clubs
- President: 0-10
- Other officers: 0-5
- Other clubs worth noting specifically?
- Preseason Participation: 5
- Regular NCAA Season Participation: 15-25
- Regular non-NCAA Season Participation: 10-20
- Interhouse sports participation: 5 per term (verify by House ath list)
- Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC) member: 5
Student House Officers
- President: 60-70
- Vice-President: 30-50
- Secretary: 10-15
- Treasurer: 10-15
- Social Chair: 30-40
- Co-Social Chair (each): 20-30
- Athletic Manager: 15-20
- Trained Upper-Class Councilor(UCC): 15-20
- Librarian: 0-7
Class Offices
- Senior Co-Presidents (Each): 15
- Junior Mudeo Organizers (Each): 10
Other suggestions? I would also appreciate it if people could send me some sample lists of the activities they participated in. I'm hoping to give out 10-15 Keys per year and double that in Certificates.