Updates to ASCIT Documents

Updates to ASCIT Documents organized by BoD year


  • On April 16, 2022, the Bylaws were updated to reflect changes passed in amendments voted on in February 2020.
  • On April 16, 2022, the Bylaws were updated to reflect amendments passed in June 2019, relating to the Board of Control.
  • In April 2022, the Bylaws were updated to reflect amendments passed in March 2022, relating to the fiscal section, dues collection and values.


  • On 18 April, 2021, the BoD passed an amendment to Resolution I Section 1 to allow for the election of Senior Class Co-Presidents to occur before the Ditch Day of their junior year due to the remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revcomm approved the resolution amendment on 24 April, 2021.
  • On 22 November, 2020, the BoD passed Resolution XIII creating the Frosh Committee to help the matriculating class adjust to Caltech during online instruction. RevComm approved the resolution on 29 November, 2020.
  • On 22 November, 2020, two resolutions were amended. Resolution I Section 4 was added to limit the number of people per group allowed to run for Senior Class Co-Presidents. Resolution IV Section 2 was amended to account for the lack of in-person activities during online learning situations. RevComm approved the Resolution 1 Section 4 amendment on 4 April 2021.
  • In November 2020, when the new BoD was installed, Resolution (XIII) creating the Staff position of ASCIT Events Director to assist the Social Director was removed.


  • On 28 February, 2020, three bylaws amendments passed. One replaced a paragraph accidentally removed in the first bylaws amendment last June, another reduced the publication frequency of The California Tech from weekly to bi-weekly or at least monthly, and the last one added Article I section 2, creating a mechanism to drop ASCIT membership by contacting the President.
  • On 26 January, 2020, the BoD passed a Resolution (XIII) creating the Staff position of ASCIT Events Director to assist the Social Director. RevComm approved the resolution on 29 January, 2020.
  • On 7 June, 2019, two by-laws amendments relating to the BoC passed. One rewrote Article XIII completely. The other amended Article VII Section 8 to move installation of the BoC Chair and Secretaries and the CRC student co-chair to before the end of second term and removed mention of the installation of the BoD and the presidential oath.
  • On 20 May, 2019, The Board of Directors voted 6-0-0 to repeal Section 1 of Resolution VIII-Donuts and Bagel (which at the time was still believed to be Resolution IX), putting an end to Monday morning Bagels and Friday Morning Donuts.
  • On 13 May, 2019, when the new BoD was installed, BoD Resolutions II-President's Staff and XIII-ASCIT Lights, both expired as dictated by By-laws Article IV Section 4. This was determined retroactively by RevComm Ruling 2019.3.


  • Around April 2018, the BoD amended the resolution on donuts to remove Donut Man as the official provider of Donuts. It also amended the resolution on funding for Interhouse parties to increase funding.
  • On 23 April, 2018, the bylaws were amended to use the gender neutral singular 'they'. Another bylaws amendment passed that day replaced the IHC with the BoD as the nominating committee for non-academic faculty committee positions.
  • In November 2017, Article VII was amended to change elections from instant-runoff voting (IRV) to Ranked Pairs.


  • In February 2017, the last paragraph of Article VII Section 10 was amended to allow RevComm to appoint temporary replacements for some elected officers studying abroad while requiring other officers to retire if they study abroad.


  • In January 2009, the ASCIT bylaws were completely reworked, making major changes to the composition of the BoD and other aspects of the student government.


  • On May 14, 2007, Articles IV, V, VII, and VIII were amended to create the Honor Chair position, decouple the BoC Chair from the ASCIT VP position, and combine the Honor Chair with the ASCIT VP position. Additionally, the BoC Chair and CRC Chair were removed from the BoD, effective as of the next election, which shrinks the BoD to nine members.


  • A voting amendment was proposed to the BoD based on concerns over the past CRC Chair election. No formal vote occurred.


  • On October 24, 2005, Articles I, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XII, and XVI were amended to reflect the addition of Avery as one of the undergraduate Houses, to match CRC election prodecures to that of the BoC (and include the CRC Chair as a member of the BoD), and to reflect the fact that elections are carried out entirely through Donut now. To prevent election protests based on released results, the section on election results was amended to say that results would not be released until the protest period ended.


  • Dues were raised, as well as a few other things. More details to come.
  • Please contact Galen Loram for updates from this year


  • In the meeting of March 7, 2004, the following ammendments were revised/ammended:
  • Resolution VII was ammended to reflect the possibility of having more than one Coffeehouse Manager (Vote: 8-0-0).
  • Resolution IX pertaining to banking at Bank of America was eliminated, as all of ASCIT's finances are now handled through Caltech (Vote: 8-0-0).
  • Resolution XI was changed to reflect the fact that three, not two, teaching assistants receive ASCIT teaching awards (Vote: 8-0-0).
  • Resolution XIX was ammended to reflect the possibility of having more than one Movie Chair (Vote: 8-0-0).
  • Resolution XXIII on club funding was incorporated into Resolution X pertaining to clubs (Vote: 8-0-0).
  • Resolution XXI was reworded for the sake of simplicity and clarity (Vote: 8-0-0).
  • Resolution XXIV was ammended to reflect the fact that the ARC, not ASCIT, selects students to the committees of the Student Faculty Conference. In addition, sections were reworded to enhance clarity (Vote: 8-0-0).
  • After these changes (including the removal of one resolution entirely and the incorporation of one resolution into another), all resolutions were renumbered.


  • In the meeting of March 8, 2002, Resolution VII was amended to provide specifics about the Jamroom. A new ASCIT Lights Resolution was also passed.
  • On May 29, 2002, amendments to the ASCIT Bylaws Article XIV were passed.
  • On January 22, 2003, amendments to the ASCIT Bylaws Articles IV, X, and XIV were passed.


  • January 23, 2002, ASCIT Bylaws Article XVI "Conduct Review Committee" passed.
  • In the meeting of February 20, 2002, several Resolutions were amended. Amendments to BoD Resolution XXI are passed, making it more compatible with the Faculty Board bylaws. In BoD Resolution V, "may" replaced "shall".
  • Also on Feb 20, 2002, the BoD voted to strike Resolution XXII from the books (renumbering accordingly), because the CRC Rep appointment amendment passed.


  • In the election of 24 May, 2000, Article IV, Section 10 and Article XII, Section 4 were amended to change the specific description of the duties of the Directors-at-Large and the Movie Chair, respectively, to a more general wording. The specific details can be found here.
  • At the Board of Directors meeting of 30 May 2000, there were substantial revisions and additions proposed to the Resolutions. They include resolutions on specific duties for the Directors-at-Large and the Movie Chair, choosing a new Jamroom head, changing the control of the Athletic Awards to Caltech's Athletics Office, and making the Donut Man (or Jim, as those who get the Friday morning donuts call him) the official ASCIT donut provider. The Resolutions were approved by the BoD through email over the summer of 2000. The details can be found here.


  • In the election of 25 January, 1999, Article IV, Section 1 and Article XII, Section 1 were amended to remove the Secretary of the Academics and Research Committee as an elected officer. The office will be filled by appointment.
  • At the Board of Directors meeting of 18 January 1999, a substantial revision of the Resolutions was made. A complete list of changes has been archived in the Secretary's records.
  • In the election of 18 January, 1999, Article VII, Section 3 was amended to allow house Presidents to be called to serve on the Board of Control in the event that a quorum of eligible BoC members could not be assembled.


  • In the election of 1 June 1998, Article I, Section 1, Part (c) was changed from "One subscription to The California Tech, the CLUE, and the little t" to "One subscription to all Corporation publications". The description of the office of the Athletic Manager was deleted from Article IV. Article VIII, Section 13 was added and the description of how to deal with error was deleted from Article XI.
  • In the election of 17 February 1998, Article XII, Section 2 was amended to give the Social Director more discretion in appointments to the Executive Social Committee. Article IV, Section 1 was amended to add Secretary of the Academics and Research Committee to the list of elected offices. Article IV, Section 1 was amended to remove mention of the office of Athletic Manager. Article XII, Section 3 was deleted to remove mention of the Athletic Committee.
  • At the BoD meeting on 4 February 1998, Resolution III, Section 1 was amended. The title of class Secretary/Treasurer was changed to Vice-President.
  • In the election of 11 November 1997, Article XI, Sections 1 and 2 were shortened and Section 3 was added. This addition defined the procedure for dealing with error in an amendment ballot.


  • In the elction of 10 February 1997, Article VII, Section 3 (l) was changed to allow defendants to have a silent witness present during all portions of BoC proceedings. Previously, witnesses were barred from actual hearings.


  • Resolution XVI enacted.


  • In the election of 23 January 1995, the Educational Policies Committee was renamed the Academics and Research Committee (ARC), and the selection of ARC members was modified. Changes were made to Article IV, Section 8, and to Article XII, Section 1. Members are now elected in the Houses, with an ARC Secretary elected by the student body.
  • In the election of 23 January 1995, the duties of the Treasurer that relate to the publications were clarified, and oversight was improved. Changes were made to Article IV, Section 6, and Article XIV, Sections 5, 7, 8, and 10.
  • In the election of 23 January 1995, the responsibilities of the Secretary were clarified to encompass oversight of communications, elections, and the archives. Two sentences were appended to Article IV, Section 5.
  • Bylaws modified in the election of 13 January 1995 to grant write-in candidates full ranking privileges. In addition, the definition of absolute majority was corrected. Changes were made to Article VIII, Sections 5 and 6.
  • Bylaws modified in election of 10 October 1994 to allow all undergraduates, not just ASCIT members, to vote on BOC-related Bylaws. Changes were made to Article VI, Section 2; Article VIII, Section 12; Article IX, Sections 1-3; and Article XI, Section 2.
  • Modifications made to Resolution VIII - Athletic Awards at the Board Meeting of 31 October 1994. These changes, recommended by the Athletic Manager, bring the resolution up to date with current practices.
  • A new resolution (Resolution XV - Dues and Assessment Adjustments) was approved at the Board Meeting of 14 November 1994. This resolution outlines procedures for notifying Caltech offices in the event of a modification to dues or assessments. It also prohibits such changes during third term, as Caltech offices require time to update their records for the next academic year.

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